Index of /nmhc_archives/Development of a U.S. Commonwealth, 1960-1977/1967

      Name                                                                                                  Last modified      Size  Description
[   ] 1967 04 30 Booklet, Economic Development plan for Micronesia, Nathan, Robert R. 000677.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 2.9M [   ] 1967 12 30 Letter, Continuance of Civil Government of TTPI, Luce, Charles 000800.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 2.3M [   ] 1967 09 15 State Bulletin, Soviet Union Bars Completion of US Scientific Voyage 000765.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 1.7M [   ] 1967 09 28 Statement, TTPI, Mrs. Anderson 000766.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 1.4M [   ] 1967 03 15 Reports, Political Future Trust Territory Of the Pacific Islands, Unknown Author 00062.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 1.4M [   ] 196709 29 Letter, Peace Crops in Micronesia, Pritchard, Ross 000770.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 1.2M [   ] 1967 04 10 State Bulletin, US and VIetnamese Leaders Confer at Guam 000665.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 1.2M [   ] 1967 05 02 Letter, Study of Land Progress Mariana Islands Distrcit, Noas, Maynard 000678.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 1.1M [   ] 1967 12 29 Statement, Political Constitutional And Administrative Questions 000796.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 1.1M [   ] 1967 03 27 Newsweek, Mr. Johnson goes to Guam 000651.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 961K [   ] 1967 08 02 Letter, Questions on Political Future of TTPI, Luce, Charles F. 000737.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 830K [   ] 1967 07 26 Memorandum, TTPI, Helms, Richard 000732.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 813K [   ] 1967 01 31 Memorandum of Conversation, U.N. Visiting Mission to the TTPI 000603.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 797K [   ] 1967 08 21 Letter, Acknowledgement of letter, August 21, 1967, Unknown Author 000747.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 749K [   ] 1967 12 29 Letter, Status of the TTPI, Secretary of the Interior 000798.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 741K [   ] 1967 12 29 Letter, Status of Trust Territory, No Author 000798.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 741K [   ] 1967 10 30 Newsweek, Micronesia 2141 Islands Forgotten by US 000777.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 722K [   ] 1967 02 17 Report, Planning for te Future of the Trust Territory & US Territories 000616.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 556K [   ] 1967 01 27 Letter, TTPI Future Status, Starr, Robert 000600.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 550K [   ] 1967 10 19 Statement, Pressure for Plebiscite not due to quality of US Admin, TTPI 000776.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 541K [   ] 1967 06 29 Letter, Respond to views with respect to H.J. Res. 594, Van Cleve, Ruth G. 000708.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 525K [   ] 1967 08 28 Resolution No 43 1967, Marianas Island Delegations 000756.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 491K [   ] 1967 03 22 Letter, Termination of the Trusteeship Agreement for the TTPI, Starr, Robert 000640.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 487K [   ] 1967 08 21 Booklet, House Joint resolutions, McCormacks, John W. 000748.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 467K [   ] 1967 08 05 Senate Joint Resolution No. 25 000738.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 445K [   ] 1967 04 06 Note, Bill Norowwod's letter to Sec. Udall attachement, Johnson, Charles E. 000660.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 423K [   ] 1967 07 17 Letter, Concerns of TTPI beibf lost to the US., Murphy, Joseph C. 000716.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 398K [   ] 1967 12 29 Letter, Responds to Future Political Status of TTPI, Secretary of the Interior 000799.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 392K [   ] 1967 12 01 Guidelines, Program for PCV Lawyers responsible to the Judiciary 000797.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 389K [   ] 1967 11 02 Letter, Transmittion of Resolution No 43., Guerrero, Herman Q. 000780.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 382K [   ] 1967 02 03 Letter, Reconsideration of Bill, Van Cleve, Ruth G. 000607.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 376K [   ] 1967 05 09 Memorandum, Future Status of the TTPI, Sec. of State 000681.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 375K [   ] 1967 02 16 Memoradum, Self determination for the Trust territory, No Author 000614.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 374K [   ] 1967 01 27 Memorandum, Self-Determination For the Trust Territory, No Author 000599.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 351K [   ] 1967 02 21 Discussion Paper, Self Determination for the Trust Territory Of the Pacific, 000619.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 344K [   ] 1967 07 19 LEtter, Meeting with Sec. of Interior Udall on TTPI , Hopper, David H. 000727.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 335K [   ] 1967 06 02 Budget Plan of June 02, 1967 000695.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 331K [   ] 1967 Newsweek, TTPI, Johnson, Lyndon J. 000746.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 331K [   ] 1967 04 07 Discussion paper, Future political shape of the area on TTPI 000661.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 313K [   ] 1967 07 17 Letter, TTPI problems, Salans, Carl F. 000724.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 305K [   ] 1967 03 01 Report, Problems with the Juvenile Delinquincy in the Micronesian Community, Mahoney, .pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 297K [   ] 1967 04 06 Letter, Views of Pierre Basdevant concerning TTPI, Johnson, Richard E. 000663.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 297K [   ] 1967 09 20 Letter, Dismayed upon the receipts of TTPI, Van Cleve, Ruth G. 000767.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 296K [   ] 1967 01 30 Memorandum, Luncheon with the Members of the US Nations, Sisco, Joseph J. 000602.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 294K [   ] 1967 05 15 Information report, Philippines Publications on Guam, Wigen, R.A. 000687.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 287K [   ] 1967 03 22 Discussion Paper, Self Determination for the TTPI 000639.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 285K [   ] 1967 04 10 State Bulletin, President Johnson's Meeting with Commisioner Norwood 000666.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 282K [   ] 1967 06 30 Letter, Proposed report on H. J. Res. 594, Luce, Charles F. 000709.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 274K [   ] 1967 03 23 Memorandum, Possible Limited Japanese Access to the TTPI, Cobb, J. O 000642.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 264K [   ] 1967 04 10 Letter, Discussion of the Political Future of TTPI, Sisco, Joseph J. 000668.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 256K [   ] 1967 05 10 Letter, Proposed Bill To Establish a comminsion on the Status of TTPI, Unknown Author .pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 251K [   ] 1967 02 02 Draft Memorandum, Political Future of the Trust territory, No Author 000605.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 250K [   ] 1967 06 01 Letter, Political Future of the TTPI, Austin, R.W. 000693.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 246K [   ] 1967 01 17 Draft Memorandum, Future of Trust Territory Re 1514, Jones, R.T 000590.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 241K [   ] 1967 01 20 Letter, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Sisco, Joseph J. 000594.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 240K [   ] 1967 08 24 Outgoing Telegram, CAnberra's 809, No author 000752.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 236K [   ] 1967 03 28 Note, Defense meeting on political future of TTPI, No author 000656.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 234K [   ] 1967 04 11 Memorandum, Rogers Views Concerning TTPI, Brew, William R. 000669.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 233K [   ] 1967 08 23 Memorandum of Conversation , Future of TTPI 000751.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 230K [   ] 1967 03 15 Discussion Paper, Self Determination for TTPI, 000627.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 229K [   ] 1967 11 27 Letter, JAck Krauss full page interview, Anderson ,Larry R. 000785.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 228K [   ] 1967 05 10 Memorandum, The Congress of Micronesia, No Author 000682.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 221K [   ] 1967 07 25 Letter, Future of TTPI, Brown, Elizabeth Ann 000729.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 220K [   ] 1967 01 21 Letter, Understanding of administrative & logistical problems, Bill 000595.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 218K [   ] 1967 11 05 NY TImes, US favored in the Pacific, Trumbull, Robert 000781.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 216K [   ] 1967 05 26 Joint Resolution, H.J. Res. 594, Bingham 000691.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 216K [   ] 1967 03 28 Letter, Mr. Behrens great interest on TTPI, Van Cleve, Ruth G. 000653.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 214K [   ] 1967 05 1 Letter, Consideration of request to letter of Jan 31, 1967, Sisco, Joseph J. 000684.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 211K [   ] 1967 02 17 Memorandum, Reports concerning the Trust Territory, Silber, Jerome H. 000617.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 209K [   ] 1967 03 31 Letter, LEgal Problems as to lossing Arrangements and Assignments of Volunteers on TTP.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 208K [   ] 1967 05 10 Memorandum, Enrolled Bill S. 303, Increades Appropriations authorization for TTPI, Se.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 202K [   ] 1967 02 09 Letter, Response to Secretary Udall's Letter Regarding Trust Territory, Sisco, Joseph .pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 199K [   ] 1967 03 20 Letter, Disaster in TTPI, Bryant, Farris 000632.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 193K [   ] 1967 02 02 Letter, Political status of Trust Territory, Van Cleve, Ruth G. 000604.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 188K [   ] 1967 03 21 Discussion Paper, Self Determination for the TTPI 000637.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 188K [   ] 1967 02 23 Letter, Preparation for your Meeting with Under Secretary of the Interior Luce, Sisco.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 188K [   ] 1967 08 24 Letter, return of the Bikini People, Luce, Charles E. 000754.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 186K [   ] 1967 08 24 Letter, return of httet Bikini People, Luce, Charles E. 000754.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 186K [   ] 1967 08 15 Letter, TTPI, Anderson, Harry B. 000743.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 184K [   ] 1967 01 26 Memorandum, Courtesy Call By the US Nations Visiting Mission to the Trust Territory, .pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 183K [   ] 1967 01 18 Memorandum, Meeting of TTPI, No Author 000591.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 182K [   ] 1967 03 17 Information Report, Security Marking Handling Instructions Removed 000629.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 179K [   ] 1967 06 12 Letter, Fiurtful meeting on March 18, Johnson, Lyndon B. 000699.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 178K [   ] 1967 08 17 Letter, Trust Territory status Questions, Van Cleve, Ruth G. 000744.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 178K [   ] 1967 11 21 Congressional records, House 000784.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 176K [   ] 1967 04 28 Airgram, TTPI Vm Views of Memebers, Goldberg, Author J. 000675.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 173K [   ] 1967 02 13 Letter, Response to Secretary Udall's Letter Regarding The Trust Territory, Sisco, Jos.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 171K [   ] 1967 04 17 Memorandum, Political Future of TTPI, Austin, W.R. 000672.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 170K [   ] 1967 10 05 Memorandum, recommendations for Comminssion on the TTPI, Lee, Philip R. 000771.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 165K [   ] 1967 12 23 Letter, Educational Program, Aspinall, Owen S. 000792.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 159K [   ] 1967 07 11 Letter, Meanin of Self Government for TTPI, Boyd, Stephen M. 000715.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 159K [   ] 1967 08 21 Newsweek, Jonson Asks Pacific Trust study 000750.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 153K [   ] 1967 07 25 Memorandum, TTPI, No Author 000730.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 152K [   ] 1967 08 18 Memorandum, Possible press conference on Trust Territory Status Questins, Boatner, Cha.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 151K [   ] 1967 04 10 Memorandum of Conversation, Political Future of TTPI, 000667.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 151K [   ] 1967 11 01 NYTimes, US Presence on Kwajalein Isle Gives Rise to Social Revolution, Trumbull, Robe.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 150K [   ] 1967 12 17 Personal letter, Christmas Is approaching, Bill 000789.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 150K [   ] 1967 07 03 Letter, Concerning TTPI, Popper, David H. 000711.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 146K [   ] 1967 12 15 NY Times, Jone's on TTPI 000788.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 143K [   ] 1967 03 21 Immediate Release, Disaster Assistance for TTPI, No author 000636.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 142K [   ] 1967 03 21 Letter, Delegation from Micronesia in Guam, Norwood, W.R. 000638.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 141K [   ] 1967 06 06 Letter, Reviews on Proposed Joint Resolution, Unknown Author 000696.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 140K [   ] 1967 07 28 Letter, House Interiorr Committee Hearing on TTPI, Popper, David H. 000734.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 136K [   ] 1967 07 05 Information Report, Philippine publication on Guam, Hahn, Bradley 000714.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 135K [   ] 1967 07 12 Letter, Talking Points for your conversation with Assistant General McNaughton, Gleyst.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 133K [   ] 1967 06 29 Letter, Announcement of newly appointed Gov. of American Samoa, Johnson, Lyndon B. 000.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 132K [   ] 1967 10 19 Press Release, Trusteeship Council 000775.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 131K [   ] 1967 06 12 Text, Inadequacies on transporation in te Marshall Islands, Katzenbach 000701.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 130K [   ] 1967 09 06 Letter, Acknowledgement of Letter Aug 29, Van Cleve, Ruth G. 000761.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 129K [   ] 1967 11 12 NY times, Micronesia Lies to Japan Growing, Trumbull, Robert 000783.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 128K [   ] 1967 02 03 Letter, Political Future of the Trust Territory, Lindquist, Robert S. 000609.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 128K [   ] 1967 08 31 Letter, Future of TTPI, Deaprtment of State 000760.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 124K [   ] 1967 04 04 Draft Memorandum, Interior's Paper on Political Future of the TTPI, Sisco, Joseph J. 0.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 124K [   ] 1967 04 20 Letter, Political Status on TTPI, RVC 000673.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 123K [   ] 1967 02 10 Resolution No. 7, Policy in the International Declaration of Huma Rights, Muna, Daniel.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 123K [   ] 1967 07 05 Letter, Urgent responds to letter June 30, 1967, Katzenbach, Nicholas 000713.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 122K [   ] 1967 05 06 Newsweek, Pacific Islands Trust Territory To receive Additional Funds, President Johns.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 120K [   ] 1967 12 25 Personal letter, Holiday Greetings, Mr. Johnson 000793.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 119K [   ] 1967 03 28 Memorandum, TTPI, Ratiner, Leigh 000654.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 118K [   ] 1967 01 23 Memorandum, TrustTerritory of the Pacific Islands, Jr., Behrens, W.W. 000596.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 118K [   ] 1967 08 14 Letter, Resolution calls, Califano, Joe 000742.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 114K [   ] 1967 01 16 Memorandum, Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands, Jr Behrens, W.W. 000589.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 109K [   ] 1967 08 21 Letter, Status of Trust Territory, President Johnson 000749.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 108K [   ] 1967 11 10 News week, US Lines for Latin Trade 000782.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 108K [   ] 1967 03 27 Letter, Disposition of Booklets Entitled VISIT TO THE WHITE HOUSE, Cook, Denton L. 000.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 108K [   ] 1967 04 05 Letter, Advised of developments with Repect to the UN, Van Cleve, Ruth G. 000659.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 106K [   ] 1967 12 19 Letter, Acknowledgement of Letter of Now 29 regarding the history of Peace Corps, Miln.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 103K [   ] 1967 12 11 Letter, Responds to letter of Nov. 28, Daniel, Pricel 000787.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 102K [   ] 1967 07 16 Memorandum of Conversation, Department of Defense for Interdepartmental Cooperation on.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 100K [   ] 1967 04 12 Memorandum of Conversation, Mr. Posnett's Views on His Visit to TTPI 000670.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 100K [   ] 1967 02 23 Memorandum, TTPI, Jr., Behrens, W.W. 000622.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 98K [   ] 1967 02 16 Memorandum, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Jr., Behrens, W.W. 000615.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 98K [   ] 1967 02 03 Memorandum, Future Status of the Trust Territory, Silber, Jerome H. 000608.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 97K [   ] 1967 05 15 Letters, Peace Corps in Mirconesia, Goding, W. Wilfred 000686.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 96K [   ] 1967 06 27 Letter, Establish and to examine the future political status of TTPI, Macomber, Jr., W.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 95K [   ] 1967 04 04 Memorandum, President's Request, Kintner, Robert E. 000658.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 91K [   ] 1969 08 15 Memorandum, Proposed Joint Resolution on the status of the TTPI, Rostow, W. W. 000739.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 90K [   ] 1987 08 24 Letter, TTPI, Luce, Charles E. 000753.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 89K [   ] 1967 05 25 Letter, Issues subject for TTPI, Van Cleve, Ruth G. 000692.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 89K [   ] 1967 06 12 Airgram, trusteeship Council, USG Observations on TTPI Petition, Brown, Elizabeth Ann .pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 87K [   ] 1967 04 13 Memorandum of Conversation, General Comments on Ms. Brooks visits on TTPI 000671.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 86K [   ] 1967 05 19 Draft Memorandum, Discussion of Future Budget on TTPI 000689.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 83K [   ] 1967 08 29 LEtter, Responds to letter August 7, Van Cleve, Ruth G. 000757.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 81K [   ] 1967 07 17 Letter, Ref. to state 's 1986, Goldberg, Author J. 000723.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 79K [   ] 1967 93 23 Memorandum, Meeting with Interior, Defense and the White on TTPI, Lindquist, Robert S..pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 79K [   ] 1967 11 29 Letter, Congressionalreport Record of Nov. 21,Norwood, W.R 000786.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 79K [   ] 1967 09 22 Letter, refers to letter of Sept 5., Van Cleve, Ruth G. 000769.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 77K [   ] 1967 05 17 Confidential Letter, Future of the Trust Territory, Brown, Elizabeth Ann 000688.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 76K [   ] 1967 02 02 Memorandum, Trust Territory of the Pacific islands, Jr., Behrens, W.W 000606.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 74K [   ] 19667 03 17 Letter, Regarding United Nations Visiting Nations are on the way back to the US, Norw.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 72K [   ] 1967 01 18 Letter, Pending Advice from thte Office of Territories regarding the dates of Hearings.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 71K [   ] 1967 03 24 Letter, TTPI, Goldberg, Authur J. 000647.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 70K [   ] 1967 01 30 Letter, Discussion on South Pacific Islands, Lindquist, Robert S. 000601.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 70K [   ] 1967 07 18 Letter, Authorized supplemental allocation of Federal disaster, Johnson, Lyndon B. 000.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 70K [   ] 1967 04 10 Certificate Letter, Senate Concurrent Resolution # 25, Levi, Salilo K. 000664.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 70K [   ] 1967 12 22 Letter,Regarding Congressional record Of December 11, Norwood, W.R. 000791.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 69K [   ] 1967 08 01 Letter, Presidential Commission on TTPI, Berger 000736.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 69K [   ] 1967 03 20 Letter, Typhoon at TTPI, Farris, Bryant 000634.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 66K [   ] 1967 04 22 Letter, Asking Lunch with General W.C Westmoreland, Johnson, Lyndon B. 000674.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 65K [   ] 1967 03 21 Press Release, Economic Dev. plan for TTPI, No Author 000635.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 65K [   ] 1967 08 29 Memorandum, Meeting between Under Sec. of State Katzenbach, Eaton, Willaim F. 000759.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 65K [   ] 1967 07 18 Letter, TTPI independence, JHS 000728.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 64K [   ] 1967 08 29 Memorandum, Acknowledgement of Letter, Sanders, Barefoot 000758.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 64K [   ] 1967 08 10 Memorandum, Congress and the Trust TErritory Commission Bill, Stewart, Udall L. 000741.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 61K [   ] 1967 08 01 memorandum, Future of TTPI, Sisco, Joseph, J. 000735.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 61K [   ] 1967 03 23 Letter, Future political status of TTPI, Luce, Elizabeth F. + 000655.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 60K [   ] 1967 03 17 Proposed Press Release,Major Disaster for TTPI 000633.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 59K [   ] 1967 07 27 Letter, Trust Territory's Current Situation and prospects, Udall, Stewart L. 000733.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 59K [   ] 1967 06 27 Letter, Proposed Report on H.J. Res. 594, Macomber Jr., Willaim B. 000704.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 58K [   ] 1967 04 29 Letter, Preparation of Critique on Nathan's report, Norwood, W.R. 000676.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 58K [   ] 1967 01 24 Letter, Confirmantin of informal clearnace of Jan 10, 1967, Rommel, Wilfred H. 000597.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 58K [   ] 1967 06 06 Letter, Proposed Joint Resolution on Political Future of TTPI, Sisco, Joseph J. 000697.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 58K [   ] 1967 10 16 Letter, Federal Assistance under Public Law 875, No author 000773.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 57K [   ] 1967 06 02 Letter, Information to review on TTPI, Mckittrick, Harry C. 000694.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 57K [   ] 1967 07 18 Resorts of Views, Harris, John A. 000726.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 56K [   ] 1967 10 09 Letter, Political relationship between US and TTPI, Van Cleve, Ruth G. 000772.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 55K [   ] 1967 07 09 Letter, Letter from Acting Sec. of Inerior Luce Concerning TTPI, Popper, David H. 0007.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 55K [   ] 1967 08 24 Letter, Possible announcement of Bikini People, Luce, Charles E. 000755.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 55K [   ] 1967 10 19 Memorandum, SIG Discussion of TTPI, Hartman, Arthur A. 000774.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 54K [   ] 1967 03 23 Note, Presented to President, Keaner, SA 000641.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 53K [   ] 1967 05 10 Statement, Reports of the World Health Organisation Investigation for TTPI, Sisco, Jos.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 53K [   ] 1967 03 23 Personnal Letter, Response to the Inquiry regaarding Kelly Turner, Norwood, W.R. 00064.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 48K [   ] 1967 06 16 Note, Furnishing of report fot the Committee legislation, Aspinall, Wayne N. 000702.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 45K [   ] 1967 08 08 Memorandum, TTPI package consist, Johnson, Lyndon J. 000740.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 45K [   ] 1967 03 01 Reports on Micronesia, Vaughn, Jack 000624.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 44K [   ] 1967 06 29 Letter, Political Future of The TTPI, Austin, R.N. 000706.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 43K [   ] 1967 11 02 Letter, Puerto Rico Eve of Commonwealth, Van Cleve, Ruth G. 000779.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 42K [   ] 1967 09 15 Letter, John Shriver Proposed visit to Guam, Van Cleve ,Ruth G. 000764.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 42K [   ] 1967 12 29 Indentification of Reocrds, Trust Territory, Grove, David L. 000794.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 41K [   ] 1967 01 19 Letter, Expression of Congressional Interest, Unknown Author 000593.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 39K [   ] 1967 06 21 Memorandum, Enclosed Statement of Gov. Lee, Marks, Leonard H. 000703.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 39K [   ] 1967 07 26 Letter, To commend on concern in TTPI, Helms , Richard 000731.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 38K [   ] 1967 07 01 Note, Obligation of the US under the 1947 Trusteeship Agreement 000710.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 37K [   ] 1976 01 06 Memorandum, Interested Personel for Being Governor of Samoa, Watson, W. Marvin 000587.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 37K [   ] 1967 06 07 Memorandum, Volunteers of TTPI, Kitner, Robert E. 000698.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 35K [   ] 1967 03 18 Letter, Major Disaster Under the Authority of Public Law 81 875, No Author 000631.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 35K [   ] 1967 01 13 Cross Reference Sheet Form, Trust Territory, No Author 000588.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 35K [   ] 1967 02 17 Letter, Request & Comments on pendin proposed legislation, Waskewich, E.M. 000618.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 35K [   ] 1967 09 14 Letter, Trip To Wanshington inthe near future, Hawkins, James E. 000763.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 33K [   ] 1967 12 29 Letter, TTPI Volunteers, Stevenson, Eric 000795.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 33K [   ] 1967 09 21 Letter, Preparationof the Arrival of Mr. Hawkins, Van Cleve, Ruth G. 000768.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 29K [   ] 1967 03 28 Letter, Newly Appointed Mr. McComish, No author 000652.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 29K [   ] 1967 03 17 Letter, Damages in Various areas of the Palau District of the TTPI, No author 000630.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 27K [   ] 1967 09 11 Letter, Article on Sept 1., Van Cleve, Ruth G. 000762.pdf 2023-08-13 21:08 24K